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Rodrigo de Vasconcellos

Graduated in Cinema and specialized in Screenwriting at PUC-Rio, he studied Live British Theater at Kingston University London. He was head writer of the fiction/drama series "Bola pra Frente" for Public TVs (Abaquar Produções / O Sopro do Vento) to be aired in 2024, was a screenwriter for "A Magia de Aruna" (2023), Disney+ original fantasy series (Formata Produções), for “Novela” (2023), original Prime Video comedy/fantasy series (Porta dos Fundos) and the children’s series “Lab de Chef” for Canal Futura (Panorâmica). As an independent film maker, he is the author and co-writer with Alice Marcone of the melodrama/queer feature film “Blush”, in development by RT Features, directed by Marco Dutra, script that won Best Pitching at FRAPA and finalist for Best Screenplay at Festival Guiões, in Lisbon. His second feature film “Areia Vermelha”, a dramatic/queer comedy, in development by Beija Flor Filmes, directed by Gil Baroni, was selected for the Cinemundi Development Laboratory at Mostra Tiradentes (2024).


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