Cesar Amorim
Graduated in Author and Screenwriter for TV (Estácio de Sá/RJ) and Civil Engineering (UFRN). Postgraduate in Art Therapy (UCAM RJ). Born in Natal / RN, he wrote and directed several plays before turning to work with audiovisual. As a screenwriter, he was a contributor to successful TV series, such as: "Tapas e Beijos" (season five - 2015), "Chapa Quente" (season two - 2016) and "Cine Holliúdy" (seasons one and two - 2017/2019), all on TV Globo. He was also the final screenwriter for two seasons of the series “Vai Que Cola”, on Multishow. Recently, he joined the writing room for the series “Nada Suspeitos” (2022) and was co-creator and senior screenwriter for B.O (2023), both for Netflix. He is a coauthor of the book "Cena Impressa", which contains the text of his award-winning sketch: “Imprevisível, Eu?”. In 2023, he released the horror stories book "Decaídos - between angels and shadows".